Netflix, Inc.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Five Minutes of Heaven *

'Five Minutes of Heaven' stars Liam Neeson.

It takes place in Ireland in the '70s, around much political unrest. The entire movie is about one brother's quest for vengeance on his brother's killer.

The five minutes?? when they slug it out at the end!

I'm a strong proponent of historical dramas to help us remember the things from our past, But this one is really only teaching revenge with an Irish accent.

Sorry, can't recommend for anybody!

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Up In the Air ***1/2

'Up in the Air' stars George Clooney and Vera Farmiga. Critics didn't love it. I wasn't excited.

But it was better than I expected! It basically is a story about the lifestyles of people who travel constantly. Having a friend who has lived this, made the movie a little re-assuring to me. "It really IS messed up! It's not just me!" This life has become a part of our culture, and 'Up in the Air' portrays several of the different angles in which it is disfunctional... and perhaps liberating.

Not really obscene for the kids, but the casualty of sex is kind of obscene.

But a pretty good watch!

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bollywood Hero **

'Bollywood Hero' stars Chris Kattan as himself. Is it really his story??? surely not. When he can't get work in Hollywood, he goes to Bollywood. This has all the makings of something that could be hysterical. It wasn't.

Skip it.

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